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Custom Low Code Apps for
Financial Institutions

Is your financial institution relying on disparate, messy spreadsheets and databases? With regulations on the rise and consumer expectations higher than ever, you need a software solution that brings all of your financial data to light. VeilSun’s low code rapid app development delivers results that you can grow with.

Is Messy Data Putting You At Risk?

VeilSun builds app solutions that reduce the risk your financial firm faces when working with high-value data in shifting markets.

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From floor operations to compliance and regulations, there’s a lot to keep up with. We understand the unique challenges of manufacturing and tailor our apps for your biggest needs.


Don’t lose time and resources trying to keep spreadsheets clean. Streamline your processes and reduce costs with a custom operational efficiency tool tailored to your firm.


Are you moving with the industry, or falling behind with old systems? VeilSun helps you stay ahead of the curve with innovative digital solutions built on experience.

Bespoke Solutions for Finance & Banking Institutions

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Planning & Scheduling Capital

  • Projects Management
    Efficiently plan, execute, and monitor capital projects to ensure optimal resource allocation.

  • Budget Planning
    Streamline your budgeting process with collaborative tools and real-time insights.

  • Revenue Recognition
    Ensure accurate and compliant revenue recognition with our specialized tools.

  • Project-based Billing
    Optimize billing processes for project-based services to improve cash flow.

  • And Much More


Resource Management

  • HR Process Tracking
    Streamline hiring, onboarding, and ongoing management of finance professionals.

  • Learning and Development
    Ensure your team stays up-to-date with the latest financial practices and regulations.

  • Budget Planning and Cost Management
    Gain granular control over budgets and costs across your organization.

  • Equipment and Material Tracking
    Keep track of valuable assets and materials across your branches and offices.

  • And Much More


Regulatory Compliance
and Reporting

  • SOX Compliance
    Ensure adherence to Sarbanes-Oxley Act requirements with our specialized compliance tools.

  • Regulatory Compliance and Corrective Action Plans
    Stay on top of changing regulations and implement corrective actions when needed.

  • Compliance Reporting
    Generate comprehensive compliance reports with ease to satisfy regulatory requirements.

  • And Much More

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How We Build For Finance & Banking


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Why Choose VeilSun for Finance & Banking?


We Bring Industry-Specific Expertise

Our team of developers has deep expertise in building low code apps for banking and financial firms, and our experience with today’s leading companies makes VeilSun a trusted name.


Our Rapid, Secure Development Protects Your Data

Our low-code expertise means faster, more secure deployment and quicker ROI for your financial institution – without risking compliance or operational effectiveness.


We Build For Easy Integration

Afraid to implement a custom app into your existing operations? Our solutions integrate with popular financial systems and your existing infrastructure.

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Continuous Innovation & Collaboration

We’re a partner in your firm’s success. That’s why we provide ongoing support and optimization to ensure your bespoke solutions grow with your firm.

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“Veilsun gets that adoption is essential to any successful application. Their dev team is mutually invested in the outcome. To the extent they collaborate, offer insight based on experiences and willingness to think big when a big solution is required!”

Jim Vernot, Paypal

Help Your Data Work For You – Not Against You

Don't let operational inefficiencies, compliance concerns, and digital lag hold your financial institution back. Partner with VeilSun to create custom, integrated solutions that will help you operate more efficiently, ensure compliance, and lead in digital innovation.


How can your solutions help us accelerate our digital transformation efforts?

Our low-code solutions enable rapid development and deployment of digital tools, from customer-facing apps to internal process automation, helping advance your firm’s digital transformation from day one.

Can your compliance solutions adapt to changing financial regulations?

Absolutely. Our compliance management suite includes real-time updates on regulatory changes, automated reporting tools, and guided workflows to ensure ongoing compliance in the dynamic financial landscape.

How do your solutions integrate with existing core banking systems?

We specialize in creating secure, seamless integrations between our custom solutions and core banking systems, ensuring a smooth flow of data while maintaining the highest security standards.

Can your solutions help us improve our operational efficiency and reduce costs?

Yes, our resource management and process optimization tools provide insights that typically help financial institutions reduce operational costs by 20-30% while improving service delivery and compliance.

Have additional questions? Book a discovery call to discuss more.

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