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James CosmanApr 4, 2018 2:34:00 PM2 min read

Quick Base and Trends in the Construction Industry

We’ve talked in several of our blogs about how versatile Quick Base is. We’ve also touted how consistent it is in helping businesses streamline processes and maximize productivity. But what we haven’t done before is relate those benefits to a specific industry. For this blog, we’re going to do just that by looking at two of the trends happening now in construction.

Construction companies have their own set of challenges when it comes to their day-to-day operations. They’re constantly saddled with not having the right information in the right place at the right time. For example, when they’re out in the field and need to fill out forms, relying on an old school spreadsheet is not the savviest way to operate. Their lack of a sophisticated project management system causes delays that ultimately cost the company money.

An interesting fact: 95% of information is thrown away or not collected at all in paper processes or phone calls. Without proper project management software, construction companies are only capturing 5% of their critical data. VeilSun’s ConstructBase is a Quick Base app that’s the perfect tool for helping construction companies get information closer to the field so their resources have what they need to make informed decisions.

Another interesting trend in construction is overall profit margins are dropping. Some estimates show they’ve dropped from 8% to 4%. Why? It’s twofold. One, it’s more competitive than ever before. And two, it has everything to do with the quality of their labor. Currently, the average age of construction workers is high. That means the current generation of workers is retiring and the industry is running out of viable replacements. Want proof? There were 200,000 unfilled construction jobs in 2017. This gap is causing companies to lose valuable ground in the market — and their ledgers — as their current skilled workforce goes away.

With this distinct need for improved labor, construction companies are looking for a surefire way to attract younger workers. That’s why the construction industry is trying to rebrand itself as cool and hip: to catch the eyes of younger people flocking to tech industries because they’re cool. But they don’t just want younger workers — they want more knowledge workers. The younger generation of workers demands more information, which means construction companies can only attract that labor with technology differentiators. (Read: ConstructBase.)

Capitalizing on the fact that younger people look for rapid change and high-tech environments, implementing ConstructBase lets you create the perfect environment that young people like. It gives you a low cost of ownership while being highly adaptable. It also functions as the ultimate document repository that gives your field workers real time insights. ConstructBase is a proven tool that lets teams communicate and collaborate to get their jobs done on time and at cost.

To learn more about how ConstructBase can revolutionize your construction enterprise, drop us a line. We’re always happy to talk.