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James CosmanAug 26, 2020 2:10:00 PM4 min read

Ensure COVID Compliance With Simple Digital Tools

Regardless of industry, ensuring the health and safety of your employees and customers is vital to keeping your doors open. The COVID-19 crisis has ushered in apolicies-4720824_1280 whole new reality in terms of necessary safety precautions for everyone. Keeping up with state regulations, federal guidelines, and CDC recommendations, can be a lot to manage, even with an entire department dedicated to compliance.

Regardless of size, your company needs to adapt quickly to the new normal. Fortunately, this doesn’t have to be an overwhelming or expensive process. VeilSun has the experience and expertise to build custom, flexible, low-code tools to help your company stay in COVID compliance, keep your employees safe and keep you open for business.

Here are some of the key aspects of COVID compliance that our tools can simplify for your organization.

Occupancy Control

One of the most important aspects of COVID compliance is occupancy control. To ensure occupancy compliance, you have to make sure you don’t have too many people in a space at any given time. Every business has experience with adhering to maximum occupancy regulations for fire code and exit safety. More often than not, this isn’t terribly challenging since the numbers are relatively high in comparison to the space available. 

However, maximum numbers for COVID occupancy are dramatically reduced, which makes keeping track of entrances and exits especially important. What complicates matters further is that regulations can differ on every level (city, county, state, federal) depending on the “openness” of your area. 

Depending on the type of business, you may need a fairly rigorous system in place for ensuring compliance. Outside of retail environments, most companies need some sort of sign up and approval process for people coming into the building. This often includes temperature check, as well as a questionnaire about symptoms and recent travel. Having a simple digital tool to record and track this information will dramatically simplify the process for employees and customers. It will also ensure your company stays compliant with local regulations.

Contact Tracing

Because COVID can spread when people are asymptomatic and before symptoms occur, one of the best tools for stopping its spread is contact tracing. Contact tracing involves identifying and reaching out to those who have been exposed to someone who has tested positive for infection. From a business perspective, this is incredibly important for both business continuity and liability.

To facilitate contact tracing, your company needs a simple database to track the number of cases and assess who may have been exposed. This can and should be paired with your occupancy control system, which will dramatically simplify the process of determining who has been in contact with anyone testing positive. It’s also important to have a notification system in place to contact anyone who may have been exposed.

Risk Assessment

Planning ahead under normal circumstances can be challenging, but it’s especially important to map out the implications of a COVID outbreak in your office. Aside from ensuring operational compliance, it’s incredibly helpful to have a forecasting tool for risk assessment. 

Do you have a clear sense of the potential impact of a COVID case on different clusters or departments? Do you have contingency plans mapped out? How would a COVID case impact your workforce, productivity, or ability to meet deadlines? Do you have a system in place to notify your workforce of changes in policy or local regulations?

While it may be unrealistic to create a contingency plan for every aspect of your business, performing some regular forecasting can be invaluable. We have tools to help with both risk assessment and automatic alerts.

Remote Collaboration

Obviously, the best way to ensure employee safety is to support self-isolation efforts through remote work options. This has been a huge adjustment for many businesses, but many have found it more feasible than they could have anticipated. If your workforce doesn't have to be in-person, there are many tools to help your workforce maintain quarantine and stay efficient:

  • QScheduler: Merge scheduling needs with project management best practices. QScheduler is a powerful web-based calendar with an easy interface to drag & drop schedules for people, resources, events, or anything else.
  • QLean: Lean planning software to maximize the efficiency no matter where your team meets. This tool offers continuous collaboration and execution through the lifespan of a project.
  • QGantt: Create an interactive drag and drop Gantt interface and easily generate an overview of your projects and their dependencies.
  • QTimesheets: Quickly see all your tasks and timesheets in one place. This user-friendly cloud app allows for budget tracking, batch entry, forecasting and more.


Let Us Find A Solution for You

COVID compliance can be an overwhelming prospect for any business. At VeilSun, we’re ready to help you develop the tool you need to ensure you take care of your customers and employees. Book a free 1:1 consultation with an experienced consultant to explore solutions specific to your business.

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