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James CosmanJan 8, 2016 5:26:00 PM1 min read

Reason #3 - Why Your Construction Business Doesn't Need Spreadsheets


 5 Reasons Your Construction Business will Never Need Another Spreadsheet

In the past couple of posts, I have highlighted some of the different ways that ConstructBase can benefit the unique needs of businesses within the construction industry.  ConstructBase manages the lifecycle of the customer, and it can be completely customized to fit your company’s unique business process.  In addition, ConstructBase manages the entire accounting and financial end of your business.

Reason #3: ConstructBase can be integrated with QuickBooks to meet all of your accounting needs.

We all know that the accounting department is one of the most important parts of any business. Keeping track of all expenditures and receivables are vital to any company’s bottom line, and having transparency when dealing with financials is a must.  ConstructBase can be integrated fully with QuickBooks and built to integrate with any other accounting needs specific to each individual company. It can also, as mentioned before, be updated and changed any and every time the need arises.

In the accounting realm, the ConstructBase app allows users to:

  • Create, send, and track invoices
  • Manage PO’s, and in addition provides for executive reporting all the way up to the CEO
  • Have access to an itemized scope for jobs, by allowing the work to be assigned and then tracked against time entered
  • Keep up with the budget for each job, and know where your money is going at all times
  • Calculate your commissions the way you want to
  • Create and customize your own estimation tool to fit your needs

This allows for a streamlined workflow not only within the accounting department, but within the entire company, thereby nullifying the problem of double entry. These are just a few of the ways that ConstructBase helps businesses run efficiently and effectively.  If you’d like more information, visit:

Stay tuned for: "Reason 4: How ContsructBase keeps you up to date with real time management.”