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James CosmanJan 6, 2016 6:22:00 PM1 min read

5 Reasons Your Construction Business Will Never Need Another Spreadsheet: Reason #2

5 Reasons Your Construction Business will Never Need Another Spreadsheet

Recently, we addressed the way the ConstructBase app focuses on the life cycle of your project, so you can collaborate, track, and report on every aspect of your business process in one place.

Today, I want to examine the many ways it can be completely customized for each different company.

Reason #2: ConstructBase can be customized to fit your unique business process

Every construction business is unique. While there may be 1,000s of companies doing what your company does, it is your process and how you interact with your customers that makes your business special and gives you an edge over your competition.

For example, your company may focus heavily on its collaboration with your customers while another company may focus on its vendor relationships in order to bring the best price to the customer while another still might focus on speed of construction.  Your construction management software should support your unique position in your market.

Too frequently, construction businesses seek “one size fits all” software solutions that ask them to change which ask business to change and work the way the software wants you to work. This can:

  • Take away from the individuality of your company
  • Move your company away from its strategic focus in the marketplace
  • Set parameters that hinder growth and/or efficiency.
  • Lead to a non-flexible system that your people avoid using at all costs

ConstructBase is an app, built on QuickBase (  that can be customized completely to the specifications and unique needs of any company within the construction industry.  In addition, ConstructBase can continuously be updated and changed as needed, so it is always working towards helping rather than hindering your company’s work flow, and streamlining processes.

We work hard to ensure our clients are satisfied with how ConstructBase works and will always be sure it fits your business, not the other way around. If you’d like to find out more about it, visit